Category: javascript

Vue.js custom input handling in different browsers

Browsers give events different execution priority. Here’s our take at using Vue’s custom events on input components. tldr: Here’s a fiddle. That sounds trivial, but trying to catch the native event in an app execution can be a pain, especially when dealing with user interaction on input fields. Here’s how we used Vue.js reactivity handle the change […]

JQuery Mobile Apps: panel push only the content of the page – not header and footer

Normally the JQuery Mobile Widget Panel re-positions the header and footer of the page relatively. Here is how to leave fixed the header and footer of a JQuery Mobile Application and move just the content when displaying a panel. A solution is to overwrite a method of the panel widget object in a separate js file, like […]

December 6, 2016 Blog, javascript, mobile, responsive

Magento js validation for decimal numbers – only

Magento prototype validation fix for decimal numbers.

November 22, 2016 Blog, javascript, magento

Closures in PHP, Javascript and Elixir

Closures are one of the fundamental building blocks of functional programming techniques. A Closure is a construct that permits to bind the definition of a function together a particular scope, normally implemented via anonymous functions. They are particularly important, for example in the implementation of event callbacks. Let’s see how they work in three different […]

Function composition in Javascript and Elixir

Function composition is a programming technique that could be very useful and very expressive at the same time. Essentially it consists to combine N simple (unary and hopefully pure) functions making the output of a function being the input for another one. To make working function composition in Javascript we need to extend the Function […]