Category: functional

Differences between functional programming languages

Years ago we wrote a simple article explaining differences between function composition in Elixir and Javascript. Now it’s 2002 and the chat-GPT3 bot is out, so we decided to test it with the following task: “what is the best functional language in terms of flexibility regarding as example function composition or currying. Explain differences between […]

December 4, 2022 elixir, functional, gpt3

Closures in PHP, Javascript and Elixir

Closures are one of the fundamental building blocks of functional programming techniques. A Closure is a construct that permits to bind the definition of a function together a particular scope, normally implemented via anonymous functions. They are particularly important, for example in the implementation of event callbacks. Let’s see how they work in three different […]

Function composition in Javascript and Elixir

Function composition is a programming technique that could be very useful and very expressive at the same time. Essentially it consists to combine N simple (unary and hopefully pure) functions making the output of a function being the input for another one. To make working function composition in Javascript we need to extend the Function […]